May 11, 2010

This Game is Called: What Could I Cram Up That Commercial's A**?

Grr. Commercials. So dumb.

The dumb commercials take up my brain energy by making me have to constantly argue with them in order to just defend my mental turf of intelligence and reality.

I end up finding myself just looking at the tv and mumbling over and over:

Up yours.

Up yours.

My husband is worried, and he should be.

I mean ... I'm sure no one out there, no one I know, the average person in the world, would actually think it wise to dump out all their bad soaps and cleansers and replace them with green soaps and cleansers. Because we all know that either through use or through throwing them out, the toxins in the standard soaps and cleansers will make their way into our water supply or fill up our landfills. Right? We all know this. So, the most efficient and green thing would be to use up the bad guys and then buy the good guys.

But the commercials show happy, bouncy people bringing boxes of standards cleansers (presumably full or partially full bottles) out to the curb. Waste, waste, waste!

Stupid commercials. Acting as if they're green. But portraying a vapid, wasteful message. Making me worried about the masses out there, you know the ones ... the ones who voted for Voldemort or demand to see birth certificates ad nauseum. That's what really grinds my gears. (Just like Peter Griffin in Family Guy.)

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